You know what’s the worst thing that can happen after you’ve purchased your favorite designer handbag? And especially when the Replica Celine Handbags is expensive. It’s when something breaks within a week or month.
Even when it breaks within five months, it’s heart-breaking. Instead of joy and happiness, the whole experience taste bitter.
At BRAGMYBAG we heard this a lot – the chains are damaged, the leather strap broke, the serial code tag in the interior is missing, leather is starting to wear off and so on…
You need to take your bag and go back to the store to check it out. What a drag! And when you get bad service, it’s even worst. If they tell you they will send it back for repair, you will miss your bag for weeks.
We talked to Gabriela the other day, after we posted an article about the Replica Fendi Bags. Her leather strap broke after a few months of use. She did not even carried heavy stuff, but only her keys and small wallet, so weight was not the issue.
But there are a lot of bags with thin strap, and we need to be very careful. Gabriela went back to the store, luckily she bought it at Neiman Marcus, and they were kind enough to change the bag. But because she had bad experience with the Celine Trio Bag, she picked the Proenza Schouler PS11 Bag (via Elyse Walker for $1950 USD).
The PS11 bag is a great choice though; it’s also stunning, spacious, functional and great as an everyday bag. However, the Celine Trio Bag is still the favorite among fashionista’s, it’s popular and gorgeous.